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WOM Fuyang environmental protection project organize emergency rescue drills for lifting injuries


        Recently, in order to further implement the main safety responsibility and enhance the safety responsibility awareness and emergency rescue ability of project personnel, Fuyang environmental protection project department organized emergency rescue drills for lifting injury accidents.

        The drill simulated that during the shutdown period, the maintenance personnel lifted the manhole door to the 26m layer of furnace body of No. 2 boiler, the manhole door fell off from the hook and fell to the ground and injured a supervisor. After the accident, the on-site staff immediately check the injured and report to the project manager. Fuyang environmental protection project department immediately launched the emergency plan, the management personnel rushed to the site immediately, other maintenance personnel responded quickly, and took active measures according to the plan.

        Through this drill, we have further improved the emergency response ability of the staff and mastered the emergency handling process more skillfully. It has laid a solid foundation for ensuring the safety production of the project department。(LiuYuanli)




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